First of all download 3d Analyzer v2.34 if you want to run GTA San Andreas using 3d Analyzer. v2.36 is the latest version but due to some bugs in that GTA San Andreas won’t run on v2.36 so you need to download 3d Analyzer v2.34 to run GTA San Andreas .

Download 3D Analyzer v 2.34

After downloading run 3d Analyzer and then select the exe of the game and then check the following boxes:-

1. Under Performance

Check the box :-  force SW TnL

2. Under Hardware Limits:

Check all the five boxes under Hardware limits

3. Under Pixel and Vertex Shader

check the following two boxes

    force max. pixel shader version 1.4
    force high precision pixel shader

4. Put Vendor ID: 4098 and Device ID: 20040

5. Click run an Enjoy the game :)

Plz comment and let me know if this setting worked for you.

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  1. Will it work a little bit smooth on a laptop with no video ram and 2gb ram ?

